Iranian professional footballer (26) faces death penalty after participating in anti-regime protests | Football

Iranian professional footballer Amir Nasr-Azadani (26) faces the death penalty. Iran’s regime wants to hang the former player of Tractor Sazi, among others, for taking part in the anti-government protests that have swept the country since September and allegedly campaigning for women’s rights. The international players’ union FIFPro says it is “shocked” by the news and calls on the authorities in Iran to suspend the sentence.


13-12-22, 03:15

Latest update:

Twitter, Iran Wire, Daily Mail, ANP

“FIFPro is shocked by reports that professional footballer Amir Nasr-Azadani is facing execution after campaigning for women’s rights and basic freedoms in his country. We stand in solidarity with Amir and call for the immediate suspension of his sentence,” the players’ union tweeted.

Several Iranian professional and former footballers have already called on the regime to suspend the execution. The players who were in Qatar for the world championship on behalf of Iran have not (yet) done so, according to news site Iranwire. However, they remained silent when the national anthem sounded for the opening match against England.

Already two executions

Yesterday, Iran executed another man detained during the country’s fierce protests in recent months. The man, named Majidreza Rahnavard, is said to have killed two members of a paramilitary militia and was found guilty of “warfare against God,” state media reported. He was publicly hanged Monday morning in Mashad, a city in the northeast of the country.

Just last Thursday, the first person arrested during the protests was executed. It was about the rapper Mohsen Shekari. He is said to have attacked a member of the Basij militia with a gun, spread terror and blocked a road. His execution sparked international criticism of the Iranian regime.

Portraits of Majid Reza Rahnavard (center), 23, and Mohsen Shekari (L), 23, who were recently executed by Iranian authorities after taking part in anti-government protests sweeping the country.

Portraits of Majid Reza Rahnavard (center), 23, and Mohsen Shekari (L), 23, who were recently executed by Iranian authorities after taking part in anti-government protests sweeping the country. ©Getty Images

Wave of protest

Mass demonstrations have been taking place in Iran since mid-September for more freedom and against the regime in Tehran. Thousands of people have been arrested in these protests, which the authorities see as riots. According to media reports, a total of at least 25 demonstrators are on the death list of the Iranian judiciary.

According to the organization Iran Human Rights Watch, some 450 demonstrators were also killed by the Iranian security services during the protests.

The wave of protests is the largest in years for Iran and started after the death of 22-year-old Mahsa Amini. This woman of Kurdish origin died in detention after being arrested by the morality police for allegedly wearing her headscarf too loosely.
