Iranian journalists die dood Mahsa Amini bekendmaakten, vrijgelaten uit beruchte gevangenis | Buitenland

Mahsa Amini died in September 2022 when she was oppressed by religious politics in Tehran and her hair was not correct. The father of the 22-year-old Korean Iranian woman took part in a large golf course to protest over the world. Also the veroordeling of the two journalists received a lot of international attention.

The 31-year-old journalist Elaheh Mohammadi was sentenced to death in October 2023 and was sentenced to death in 2023. He was sentenced to death in the United States in 2023, and was sentenced to death in 2023 before He spreads propaganda against the Islamic Republic of Iran.

The 36-year-old photographer Niloufar Hamedi spent two years working on his hair and working with the VS. For the purpose of a plot against Iran and the spread of on-going propaganda, this will be punished by Mohammadi.

The two women were born in September 2022 in the famous Evin-Gevangenis in Tehran. Volgens de Iraanse rausmingsgezinde krant Shargh, die de advocaten van de twee citeert, de twee zondagmiddag op borgtocht vrijgelaten. On social media there is a photo and video of two people posing with a smile.

The borg is forced to lose 170,000 euros. The woman does not want to reveal the country. Hun procedures in beroep volgt op een later tijdstip.

KIJK OOK. Mahsa Amini bekoopt ‘foutief’ use of hijab with hair leven
