Iranian Ayatollah Khamenei fires chief of police | Abroad

No reason was given for the move, but Ashtari had come under fire after 22-year-old Iranian-Kurdish woman Jina Mahsa Amini died in police custody in September. Amini had been arrested by the so-called vice police because a few strands of hair were visible under the mandatory headscarf. Her death sparked protests in the country, which continue to this day and are directed against the government’s repressive course.

Ashtari has always maintained that the police were not to blame for Amini’s death. However, critics believe that the young woman was beaten by police officers and died of a cerebral hemorrhage.

Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has now appointed Ahmad-Resa Radan, the previous deputy chief, as chief of Iran’s police. He is known for his radical attitude. In particular, he has always advocated that women adhere strictly to Islamic dress codes. He also believes that young men should not follow Western hairstyle trends and that they should be arrested for offences. Due to human rights violations, Radan has been on a US sanctions list for 12 years.
