Iran says EU-medewerker al sea dan 500 dagen vangen in notorious vangenis | Buitenland

The EU building country service confirms that Iran “om politieke talken” is a vast area. A new example of Tehran’s “tendens om EU-burgers te gebruiken als pionnen” om other things that are thought of, zegt a woordvoerder.

Iran needs to be in Belgium before the end of the execution of a terrorism plan against Iran’s diplomat Assadollah Assadi in action for the help of Olivier Vandecasteele.

KIJK. Olivier Vandecasteele weer thuis na 455 dagen in Iraanse cel

Also Zweden confirms that he quotes “een man van in de dertig” in a Iranian cel. Brussel nor Stockholm will zeggen om how het prices gaat of other details.

Followed by the ‘New York Times’ in more two media about the 33-year-old Johan Floderus. Hij zou niet op dienstreis, maar as a tourist in Iran zijn weeest toen hij will be packed. For some reason, the European Commissie travels with Floderus because of America, and there are sometimes problems in Iran.
