Iran “rechtstreeks betrokken” bij Houthi-aanvallen op Rode Zee, zegt Amerikaanse admiraal | Buitenland

Iran is “right-wing treeks betrokken” at the door of the Houthi rebels and international forces in the Rode Zee. This is shown by Brad Cooper, top commander of the American Marine in the Midden-Oosten. “It is secret that Iran finances the Houthi’s, they are heavily involved, they are preferred and oppressed,” Aldus Cooper.

Brad Cooper is the head of the American Civil War, whose other responsibility is for the Rode Zee. In an interview with persagentschap AP benadrukt de Viceadmiraal dat de actions van the Yemeni Houthi rebels “the most important issue we have in two generations”. “In the best part of the international community, we also have a stronger international reaction,” says Cooper.

The United States and the United Kingdom have raised their voices in various ways to the Houthi’s success. It’s the beginning of the world war between Israel and the Palestinian Territory Group Hamas is attacking the Yemeni rebels on an international scale on the Rode Zee, which is a relevant trade route on the other Europe in Azerbaijan. The Houthi’s will now be sent to Hamas and printed in Palestine.

KIJK. Uitgelegd in 90 seconds: how are the Houthi rebels?

“Right-wingers get drunk”

How Iran is dead now is not affected by the battles between Israel and Hamas, says Cooper that the land of the Houthi’s land is on the verge of defeat. “Tehran is duidelijk zeer Rechtstreeks betrokken bij de aanvallen. “It’s a secret,” says the vice-admiral. “What I want is the Iran of Houthi’s duidelijk financed, medium-sized, hen bevoorraadt and hen opleidt.”

Cooper describes the aanvallen op de Rode Zee as the first are the pulled tanker oil flow in the year 80. The maakt deel uit van de oorlog tussen Iran en Iraq. The conflict has escalated to an end between Washington and Tehran. There are two flights from VS via air and air from Iran. Bijna 300 people can eat at the same time.

KIJK. België sluit zich aan de Europese missie tegen Houthi rebels in Rode Zee: what can be said about the country?
