Iran, one more victim: Asra Panahi beaten to death

No.there is no peace in Iran. There fury of the security forces against women it becomes more and more brutal. And then Elnaz Rekabithe 33-year-old athlete, bronze medalist in sport climbing at the 2021 World Championships, disappeared after choosing not to wear the hijab during the Asian championships, another student she died in the protests sparked by the death of Mahsa Amini.

In Iran, women cut their hair and burn hijabs in protest of Masha Amini's death

Asra Panahi, beaten to death: she was only 16 years old

He was called Iranian Asra Panahi and he was only 16 years old. Security forces raided the Shahed Women’s High School where the girl studied and, to the refusal of the students to sing songs in support of the supreme leader of Iran, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, the agents would have lashed out at the girls and beat them fiercely.

The sixteen year old from Ardabil, in the north of the country, according to the teachers’ association, she would die of her injuries shortly after in the hospital. Clearly the Iranian authorities deny, as they always have, and claim that the girl died of heart problems.

Asra Panahi is yet another victim of the fury of the Iranian police force

Protests in Iran continue unabated

As we have been reading for weeks now, in Iran the wave of protests from students and young women against the obligation of the hijab, to demand civil rights and a democratic system of government, continues without losing intensity.

But the response of the Iranian authorities to the protests is always the same: the most ferocious repression.

Asra Panahi, yet another victim of the repression

A method that resulted in at least 200 casualties and mass arrests which did not spare even the schools.

Many teachers have reported little girls taken away by plainclothes agents who forcibly entered the classrooms

Schoolgirls who, as he threatened last week the Education Minister Yousef Nouri arousing the indignation of families, professors and many children’s rights activists, they will go to “correctional centers”.

