Iran offers itself as energy supplier Europe | Abroad

Iran has the second largest gas reserves in the world and has already emerged as a potential supplier to Europe.

However, observers believe that the country has little room for export due to domestic demand. Kanaani also acknowledged that technical problems have arisen in gas transport as a result of US sanctions in recent years, but these have now been eliminated and Iran no longer experiences obstacles, according to the spokesman.

The Iranian offer is linked to a major condition: the resumption of the international agreement on the Iranian nuclear program and in particular the lifting of US economic sanctions.

Iran and six treaty partners – China, Russia, Germany, France, Britain and the United States – are currently negotiating a relaunch of the 2015 agreement to prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons. There is no deal yet, but Kanaani expressed optimism on Monday that this could be possible in the short term.

Also watch: Zelensky: “Russia prepares for energy attack”

It is becoming difficult for many to keep paying the bills. What can be done about that? News anchors Stef Wauters and Birgit Herteleer will find out tonight in ‘Het Grote Gelddebat’, Monday 5 September at 10.05 pm on VTM.
