Iran develops new “explosive” drone for Russia: “Tehran wants to surprise Russian environmental concerns” | Oorlog Oekraïne en Rusland

Iran has lost a new combat drone developed for Russia. This is reported by the British television broadcaster ‘Sky News’, which is based on a “anonymous form of information”. The new weapon, the ‘Shahed 107’, was described as an “explosion” on top of the combat aircraft with high technological capabilities.

The new Iranian drone is equipped with a high level of technology for the Russians to be able to detect them. It is also available from the British and American missile systems that the Oekraïense strijdkrachten used. The drone has a range of up to 1,500 kilometers and is half a meter long.

The development of the new drones is based on ‘Sky News’ from a deal between Iran and Russia that costs 2 million dollars (about 1.8 million euros). “This too is in the hands of Iran and is concerned about the control of Russian affairs in Ukraine,” says the bron.

The Iranian troepen zouden seeds with the Russians zelfs all a test of the new wapen hebben uitgevoerd on an Iranian air force base, klinkt het.

KIJK. Russia gaat massaal drones producers, says defense minister: “Van ultra-small dead black”

Steeds new seed production

The West is accusing Iran of a long period of time – only the ‘Shahed 131’- and ‘Shahed 136’-kamikazedrones – in Moskou te leveren, maar Tehran knows the accusing telkens van de hand. In September, Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi announced that his country would be “the country of the country in Ukraine”.

Toch zijn he aanwijzingen the seed planting tussen Iran and Russia steeds nauwer wordt. Last week the American newspaper wrote ‘The Wall Street Journal’ and the Russians have never had any drones, they also have ballistic missiles from Iran. Gisteren benadrukte the Russian Minister of Defense Sergei Shoigu agreed that Russia should begin with the mass production of “the most popular weapon types”. “Van ultra-small dead combat drones”, zei hij.

The Iran-Russian alliance is not open to the Ukraine, but it is also a big three for the country of Iran.

Russia regularly uses drones from Iran to be deployed in the Ukraine. © AFP
