Iran calls for arming Palestinians if Israeli attacks on Gaza continue

The president of IranEbrahim Raisí, urged Muslim countries this Saturday to to assemble to the Palestinians if the Israeli attacks on Gaza continue. Raisí made this call during the speech he gave in his speech at the Arab-Islamic summit which is held in Riyadh with the participation of dozens of Arab heads of state and Muslim-majority countries.

According to the Iranian president, the bombings by the Jewish Army against the Strip are “the biggest crime that has been seen in history”, which is why he also demanded action against the Israeli economy. “Trade and cooperation with the Zionist regime must be paralyzed and Israeli products must be embargoed,” he said while calling it a “shame “that some Islamic countries provide Petroleum to Israel.

On the first trip by an Iranian leader to Saudi Arabia in seven years, as a result of the normalization of relations between the two countries, Raisí joined other Muslim leaders in calling for a Stop the fire and that the entry of humanitarian aid in the Gaza Strip, while demanding the departure of Israeli forces from the enclave, that they be classified as “terrorists” and that “war criminals” be tried in international courts.

As a “sustainable solution” to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the Iranian president proposed the establishment of a Palestinian state from “from the river (Jordan) to the sea.” And once again he showed his support for the Palestinians fighting against the Israelis, which he called “a liberation movement“. “We kiss the hand and arm of the heroic Hamas and we salute the iron will of the resilient people of Gaza,” said the president of Iran, a country that is a staunch enemy of Israel and which celebrated the unprecedented attack by its allies on October 7, in which 1,200 Israelis died.

“Double standards” of the West

During the same forum, condemnations of Israel and also of West for his lukewarmness with the Government of Binyamin Netanyahu for a war that has already lasted five weeks and that has left more than 11,000 Palestinian dead. Like that of the emir of QatarTamim bin Hamad Al Thani, who denounced that the Israeli bombings against hospitals and shelters in Gaza “no longer impact” Western countries, despite establishing themselves, he stressed, as “defenders of human rights.”

The host of the meeting, the Saudi crown prince and prime minister, Mohamed bin Salman, agreed with Raisí in highlighting that the only way to stop the current war and achieve peace in the Middle East is through “the establishment of an independent Palestinian State.” Likewise, Bin Salmán charged against the “double standards” of the Western international community in the face of the Israeli offensive.

In turn, the Palestinian president, Mahmoud Abbasaccused USA of being “responsible for the absence of a political solution” to the Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territories and affirmed that “it has to assume its responsibility to establish peace” in the region. Abbas, who despite his lack of popularity has remained the main interlocutor of the Palestinians before the international community, He insisted on denouncing that Israel is committing “an unprecedented genocide.”

The UN, through the commissioner general of the Palestinian Refugee Agency (UNRWA), Philippe Lazzarini, asked Arab and Muslim countries to use their “influence” with Hamas and Israel to reach a humanitarian truce in Gaza, as well as more pressure to guarantee the continuous flow of humanitarian aid, which arrives in dribs and drabs due to the “logistics and verification of trucks by Israel” procedures.

Diplomatic pressure

The Arab-Muslim summit coincided with intensifying calls for the containment of Israelincluding those of its closest ally, the United States, in recent hours in the face of bloody fighting around Gazan hospitals.

Before the UN Security Council, the director of the World Health Organization (WHO), Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesusasked again this Friday for a Stop the fire and warned that Gaza’s health system is “on knees“. “The situation on the ground is impossible to describe: hospital corridors packed with the wounded, sick and dying, morgues overflowing, operations without anesthesia, tens of thousands of people taking refuge in hospitals,” he stated.

The French president, Emmanuel Macron, urged Israel to protect “all civilians who have nothing to do with terrorists.” “De facto, today civilians are being bombed. These babies, these women, these old people are bombed and killed. This has no reason or legitimacy. Therefore, we urge Israel to stop,” Macron said in an interview with the BBC.

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And the US Secretary of State, Anthony Blinken, admitted that there is “still much to do” to protect civilians in Gaza. “Too many Palestinians have been killed, too many have suffered these past few weeks,” she said during a visit to India.

In response to these demonstrations, the Israeli Prime Minister, Binyaminn Netanyahu, replied that world leaders should be condemning Hamas and not Israel. “These crimes that Hamas is committing today in Gaza will be committed tomorrow in Paris, New York and anywhere else in the world,” he said, before accusing the Islamists of using the population “as human shields.”
