IPC has decided: Russia and Belarus at the start – Paralympics

On Wednesday (March 2), the IPC met and discussed excluding Russia and Bealrus from the Paralympics, which begin on Friday. Despite the war of aggression, Russia and Belarus are allowed to compete in the Paralympics. The IPC announced this after a meeting on Wednesday.

Russia and Belarus start neutral

The games for people with physical disabilities last until March 13th. According to the decision of the IPC, the athletes of the two countries will start neutrally and under the Paralympic flag. The anthems are also not allowed to be played.

Both associations are also not included in the medal table. Previously, the International Olympic Committee (IOC), numerous professional associations and the major football associations FIFA and UEFA had decided to adopt a tough stance against Russia and Belarus under increasing pressure.

Prior to the IPC decision, Friedhelm-Julius Beucher, President of the German Disabled Sports Association (DBS), had vehemently called for the two countries to be excluded from the Paralympics.

Source: red/dpa/sid
