ION employees are allowed to bring children to work

ION employees are allowed to bring children to work

Either they have to take leave or hope that grandparents can take care of the children. ION, a company from Waregem, solves it differently: the children can go to work with them.

Bram Van Hemelryck ION: “Because it is not obvious for many parents to arrange childcare for their children for the last days of summer leave, the employees of project developer ION are allowed to bring their offspring to the office on Monday. clown will entertain the children for a whole day, while their parents can focus on their work carefree.In between, the children can also visit their mom or dad’s workplace and have a nice lunch together. office are combined with the benefits of working from home.”

It is already the third year that the employees are allowed to bring their children to work for a day. An alternative to the classic family day.
