IOC urges cancellation of all sporting events in Russia and Belarus, Sportpolitik | War in Ukraine – Olympia

In a statement on Friday (February 25, 2022), the International Olympic Committee again “strongly” condemned the breach of the Olympic Truce by the Russian government and the government of Belarus.

The international sports federations shouldinto account and give absolute priority to the safety of the athletes”. In addition, the IOC Executive, led by German President Thomas Bach, called for, at international sporting events, “that are not already part of the respective World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) sanctions against Russia“Not to show the Russian or Belarusian national flag and not to play the Russian or Belarusian anthem.

The Olympic truce began on January 28, seven days before the opening ceremony of the Beijing Winter Games, and will end on March 20, a week after the conclusion of the Paralympics in China. All 193 UN members passed the resolution on the Olympic Truce on December 2nd. The Olympic truce dates back to a 3,000-year-old tradition in ancient Olympia.
