iO Donna literary award “Heroines of today” 2023

Rstarts on iO Donna Literary Award Today’s Heroines. We search among the novels published starting from November 2022 until October 2023 a female protagonist who tells a true or fictional story that makes the heart beat and open the mind, makes us enter a world of love and tenacity, passion and reason, discoveries and conquests. An unforgettable character, who imprints himself in our imagination.

Previous editions

They have been rewarded over the years Julia Florio (from: The Lions of Sicily by Stefania Auci); Plautilla Briccia (from: The architect by Melania Mazzucco); Olive Money (from: Olive Money by Viola Ardone). The latest edition, that of 2022, crowned Catherine Cate Hillprotagonist of Ilaria Tuti’s novel Like Wind sewn to the earth.

You swear to them

The Prize is awarded by a jury of bookshops chosen throughout Italy (subject to the complete announcement) in collaboration with the editorial staff of Io donna. You will find their reports in the paper magazine and on the website; but if you have different preferences, feel free to send your choices to [email protected].

In the meantime, a little more satisfaction: Eleonora Tassoni of the Rebirth Bookshop of Ascoli Piceno“historic” member of our jury has just won the fourth Nick Perren Job Exchange, established in memory of the English publisher by James Daunt, CEO of Waterstones, and by the Umberto and Elisabetta Mauri Foundation, and which envisages a one-month period of work at a Waterstones bookshop for the winner. The prize was announced on Friday 27 January during the specialization seminar of the Umberto and Elisabetta Mauri school for booksellers.

Best wishes to Eleonora, ready to leave for the new experience. And to select the novels for the iODonna Award!

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How to report your heroine

Now it’s your turn: start reading and send your reports to [email protected]

Who will be the next heroine?

