Io Capitano by Garrone is the Italian film chosen for the 2024 Oscars |iO Donna

Cas was predictable I captain by Matteo Garrone, recent winner of the Silver Lion for the direction and the Prize Marcello Mastroianni for the emerging actor’s test Seydou Sarr to 80^ Venice Film Festivalis the title chosen by Italy for the race Oscars 2024 as Best international film.

I Captain by Matteo Garrone, at the Venice Film Festival 2023. The trailer

The story of emigration of two Senegalese sixteen-year-olds who embark on a journey of hope and horror (from Dakar to Sicily), in search of a dream in Europe, also convinced the selection committee established by ANICA on behalf of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences.

I am Garrone’s Captain towards the 2024 Oscars

The committee’s motivation is as follows: «For having embodied with great power and cinematic mastery the universal desire to seek freedom and happiness. Creating an epic dream that stages the courage and pain that have always marked migrations, in a dimension of profound humanity.”

Matteo Garrone commented: «We are very proud to be able to represent Italy at the Academy Awards with I am Captain And We hope that Seydou’s journey will touch the hearts of the American public as well».

I captain he passed it The sun of the future by Nanni Moretti

I captain was preferred to titles such as The sun of the future Of Nanni Moretti, Kidnapped by Marco Bellocchio e The return of Casanova by Gabriele Salvatores. «It is an honor to participate in the competition for the Academy Awards with a work by an author of extraordinary talent who knows how to speak the language of the world – commented the CEO of Rai Cinema Paolo Del Brocco – which manages to deal with one of the most complex themes of our contemporaneity and make itself understood by everyone, transfiguring the images that we have before our eyes every day to transform them into a epic talecome on strong emotional traitsThat it goes straight to the heart of every viewer».

A scene from the film. (Rai Cinema)

The next appointments with the 2024 Oscar

The journey towards the Oscars begins today I captainof the director Matteo Garrone and the two actors in the film Seydou Sarr and Moustapha Fall. The December 21st will be made known shortlist with the fifteen best international films selected by the Academy.

The announcement of nominations (the five films nominated to compete for the award) is scheduled for January 23, 2024while the ceremony of the 96th edition of the Academy Awards will be held in Los Angeles on March 10, 2024. I captain he has all it takes to get to the end. Fingers crossed!

