Inzaghi: “Exempted from Brescia with an email. And my rights?”

The now former Lombard coach greets the fans with a letter on Instagram: “The club had promised me that if I had stayed in the top eight they would not have kicked me out”

Filippo Inzaghi greets Brescia and the Brescia fans but does not hide his bitterness for the exemption and in a long letter published on Instagram underlines what, in his opinion, were the shortcomings of the company towards him.


“Nine months ago – reads the social post – I arrived in Brescia full of desire to do, I was asked to consolidate the team in Serie B with a dream playoff, from which the commitment not to exempt myself if the team was born. had remained among the top eight … Between me and the city it was immediately love, my son was born in Brescia and we will stay here for a while. Together with the enormous regret for this exemption, communicated with a cold email and without even a phone call, I leave a splendid group that I sweated, I get off a moving train that I never wanted to leave … With great dignity I leave the baton to those who will come after me, wishing them every possible victory. a reflection that will be deepened in the competent fora … I find it absurd that in a state like Italy which is precisely a “Republic based on work”, the other offices in sport do not assume responsibility for safeguarding contractual commitments “.
