Investment of millions for a better appearance of the Assen shopping area

The municipal council of Assen wants to invest five million euros to give the shopping streets around Koopmansplein a better appearance. After the metamorphosis of the city square, it is now the turn of Kruisstraat, Marktstraat, Weiersloop, Oudestraat and the eastern part of Gedempte Singel. The main focus is on more greenery in the streets.

According to alderman Mirjam Pauwels, the plans give the Asser city center ‘an inviting and, above all, green and relaxed appearance’. “I am convinced that visitors to our city who already know how to find Koopmansplein very well, will also feel at home in the five redeveloped shopping streets in the future. It will be a good place to be in terms of atmosphere and experience in the future.”

The municipality wants the center to become more resistant to the consequences of climate change, such as heavy rainfall in a relatively short period of time. For example, wadis are being constructed, a kind of green ditch that can hold water.

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