Investigation from UEFA to Barcelona – Last minute Spanish La Liga news

In a statement from UEFA, it was noted that ethics and discipline inspectors were appointed to determine whether there was a possible violation by Barcelona.

“Under Article 31 of the UEFA Disciplinary Regulations, UEFA Ethics and Disciplinary Inspectors have been appointed to conduct an investigation into the possibility that Barcelona violated the legal framework connected with the so-called ‘Caso Negreira’ (Negreira Case).” it was said.

After examining some accounts related to the DASNIL 95 SL company owned by Negreira on suspicion of tax evasion, it was revealed that Barcelona paid this company a total of 7.3 million euros between 2001-2018 and it was claimed that the Catalan team received information about the referees in return for the payments. .

After its investigation, the prosecutor’s office demanded that the Barcelona Club, apart from Negreira, file a lawsuit against former presidents Jose Maria Bartomeu and Sandro Rosell and two former managers on charges of “corruption in sports, irregularity in club management and forged commercial documents”.

According to Article 286 of the Spanish Penal Code, the crimes in question include imprisonment from 6 months to 4 years, ban from private commercial activities from 1 to 6 years, and fines.

On the other hand, Real Madrid, CTA, LaLiga institution, Spanish Football Federation (RFEF) and UEFA announced that they are following the issue closely.

It is also alleged that Barcelona could be banned from the Champions League for next season.
