Inventor says he has the solution for quieter windmills, but nobody listens

He says he has the solution in his hands, but for now the major manufacturers of wind turbines are not giving up. Inventor Gustave Corten from Koedijk has been working as a researcher in the energy sector for many years. With a new design of the rotor blade, the nuisance from wind turbines can be considerably reduced, but the major manufacturers do not want to know about it for the time being.

inventor Gustave Corten wants to reduce wind turbine nuisance – marcruyg/nhnieuws

Corten doesn’t want to reveal too much about his latest invention. The process of granting a patent has not yet been completed and the researcher is afraid that the competition will soon run off with his idea. The newly designed rotor blade was mainly designed to reduce the nuisance caused by wind turbines. Both the problem of noise nuisance and the cast shadow are considerably reduced and the birds also benefit, according to the inventor.

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Drop shadow of windmill – marcruyg/nhnieuws

Anyone who lives or works near a windmill is familiar with the phenomenon of cast shadow in sunny weather. People sometimes go crazy over it and can’t just ‘turn it off’. The roar of the blades is also clearly audible in the area and continues day and night. And many a bird crashes into the spinning rotor blades.

According to Gustave Corten, his invention largely solves all problems in one fell swoop. Much less noise, less cast shadow and less bird mortality. Considering the number of wind turbines that will have to be installed in the coming years, it is an invention that will make many people happy. The tricky thing is that he can’t show it (yet).

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“I can build new wind turbines myself, but that takes much too long. If large existing producers start using my design, we can quickly make a lot of impact,” says Corten. Unfortunately, the windmill builders do not give home. According to the inventor, there is little need for major changes in the industry.

The scientist from Koedijk had previously come up with a newly designed rotor blade and the business community was sceptical even then. But now the majority of new wind turbines are built with Corten’s design. With this, the researcher wants to demonstrate that his latest invention is also important.

Windmills in Wieringermeer – marcruyg/nhnieuws

Grab an Green

More and more North Hollanders are taking action to tackle climate change. Residents change their lifestyle, buy responsibly and insulate their homes. Entrepreneurs see opportunities and break new ground with sustainable products and services. You can see it on TV every Tuesday in the program Pak An Groen.

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