Intimate itching, how to relieve it: natural remedies | iO Woman

THEIntimate itching is one of the most frequent and annoying symptoms of vulvo-vaginal infections. The heat and the consequent sweatingthe fact of keeping the genital area wet at the sea or in the pool, can predispose to proliferation of bacteria and above all of candid.

Intimate itching and vaginal microbiota

It is important to understand that our vaginal ecosystem it is kept in balance thanks to the presence of a healthy microbiota, represented by a series of bacteria that are able to maintain a low pH and prevent pathogenic species, normally present in low quantities, from proliferating. And to cause itching and infections.

The vaginal environment is not sterile, but on the contrary populated by a whole series of bacteria (the more varied the better, and which is different for each woman). Whenever this system is thrown into a situation of imbalance, as in the conditions we mentioned earlier, the pathogenic species normally present in low levels can proliferate and give rise to annoying symptoms such as itching.

What if it was white?

Surely the most frequent infection is candida, which is a fungus. The main symptoms are the itching and burning often with a redness of the genitals which sometimes appear to be swollen and white discharge.

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Itching and other infections

Other times the infections are due to bacteria, especially the gardnerella which often gives abundant losses and a bad smell.

If, on the other hand, vesicles appear, the infection is from herpes and it can be primary or be a recurrence of a previous infection of this type of virus which is never completely eliminated from our nervous system and in cases of lowered immune defenses, just like when it is very hot, it can be reactivated.

Remedies for itching

Sometimes these infections resolve on their own, but more often they are treated with the use of antifungals or antibioticsbut in this case it would be better for the gynecologist to prescribe it after an evaluation and perhaps the execution of a swab which allows you to identify the microorganism that caused it, thus giving indications for the right treatment.

Anti-itching and recurrence therapies

However, it would be better to avoid the use of aggressive therapies as much as possible because in addition to killing the germ that caused the infection, they can also exterminate the good bacteria of the microbiota. Especially if repeated, these treatments can actually predispose even more to the onset of recurrences.

The immune system needs to be strengthened

Instead, it is better to try to solve symptoms and annoyances by trying to instead increase the immune system. Starting from the general ones through for example natural supplements based on EchinaceaOf Lactoferrin you hate fermented papaya. Very important is ribring balance both in the intestine, which represents a very important component of the immune system and is often the site of primary origin of the infection, both vaginally using suitable lactic ferments by mouth or topically.

Beware of the cleaner

In this situation it may be useful to use a detergent that has an antimicrobial action through natural substances of vegetable origin and that have a low PH such as those base of tea tree or thyme.

Good anti itch habits

It is also very important to use light clothes that let you breathe and that in case of perspiration or menstruation they allow to keep the intimate area not humid. We learn to always place a cloth between us when we sit down, especially if we are in costume.

Nutrition can help

Furthermore, obviously, one must eat adequately, giving preference fruits and vegetables that bring the right hydration and allow you to keep bowel movements regular. And then drink at least two liters of water a day, in order to also keep the urinary tract clean and avoid the passage of bacteria to this compartment with the presence of cystitis symptoms.

Read all of Dr. Di Pace’s articles on iO Donna here.

