Intestinal flu: symptoms and treatment – iO Donna

Sit spreads especially in closed environments: that’s why, in the winter months, it is more frequently also come across the so-called intestinal flu.

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As for the seasonal one, the term is used ‘influence’ to indicate the viral origin: in this case, however, the infection it does not affect the respiratory tract but stomach and intestines unleashing symptoms which almost always resolve spontaneously but which can still be notable unease.

What are the causes? And which remedies Can it be useful to adopt to feel better in case of intestinal flu? We talked about it with Professor Felice Cosentino, gastroenterologist and specialist in Digestive System Surgery and Digestive Endoscopy at the La Madonnina Nursing Home.

Stomach flu: is it different from seasonal flu?

«The intestinal flu, better correctly defined with the term “viral gastroenteritis”it’s a infection/inflammation of the digestive system – explains Professor Cosentino. – In this sense it differs from seasonal flu which instead affects the respiratory system. In both cases it is about a viral infection, but with different characteristics. The flu seasonal is caused only by influenza viruses, That they spread through saliva droplets contaminated in the upper airways, triggering a respiratory symptoms with sore throat, cough, nasal congestion and so on».

What are the causes and how is it transmitted?

There are different strains of viruses that can trigger intestinal flu, which is very contagious.

“The norovirus seems to be the one most responsible for this affection – explains the specialist. – The Transmission occurs via the fecal-oral route and so by direct contactor entering contact with contaminated surfaces and with contaminated food and water. The diffusion is favored in closed environments and this explains the greater frequency in the winter months».

Intestinal flu: how to recognize it

«The symptoms, which can have a different intensityconsist of diarrhoea, vomiting, abdominal pain/cramps, general malaise, weakness, fever And loss of appetite – continues the expert. – Symptoms occurs within 12-48 hours after infection and it usually lasts two-three days. Usually the state of discomfort resolves spontaneously and there is no need for specific therapy. It may be useful to use some symptomaticWhile antibiotics are useless because they affect bacteria and not viruses.”

The importance of correct hydration

However, vomiting and diarrhea, especially if prolonged over time, can cause dehydration: Here because it is good to respect some good rules.

«One thing is important good hydration, with water, vegetable broths and supplements with mineral salts – explains Professor Cosentino. – It’s good too avoid heavy and fatty foods giving instead preference for complex carbohydrates which rice, potatoes and pasta, as well as lean fishsuch as hake, sole, sea bass, and White meat such as turkey, chicken and rabbit. Obviously it is also important rest».

How to prevent and avoid the spread of intestinal infection

Which precautions they can instead be implemented for avoid becoming infected and/or spreading the intestinal infection?

«First of all, avoid the contact with sick people or with symptoms of gastroenteritis – specifies the specialist. – Wash your hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after going to the bathroom and before eating. Clean and disinfect surfaces regularly which could be contaminated: pay particular attention to cutlery and glasses which represent the easiest route of transmission. Consume well-cooked food and safe drinking water. And obviously stay at home until the symptoms disappear.”

Stomach flu: is it good to take probiotics?

Once healed, however, can it be useful to take probiotics for the well-being of the intestine?

“They are not necessary if the disease resolves within a few days as the bacterial flora restores itself autonomously – replies Professor Cosentino. – Just in case prolongation of the disease they could be useful probiotics and supplements to support the inflamed intestinal mucosaobviously consulting your doctor or gastroenterologist specialist.”

When to contact the doctor

Although seasonal flu resolves spontaneously in most cases, it is a good idea to take precautions pay attention to any warning signs.

«If the symptoms worsens or does not improve within three days, and above all if signs of dehydration, high fever or if you have blood in your stool appear it is good to seek medical assistance – concludes the expert. – The doubt is that it could be something more important than a banal intestinal flu. Finally, it’s good pay attention to the segments of the population most at risk: newborns, children and the elderly.”

