Interview with Yamila Palloni: I eat healthy but I don’t see the changes I want

Yamila, many people struggle to maintain healthy habits but do not achieve their goals. For what is this?

First, it is crucial to clearly define the goals. Are you looking to gain muscle or lose fat? Each goal requires a specific approach.

For those looking to gain muscle mass, what are the key elements?

Strength training focused on hypertrophy and a positive caloric balance are essential. A routine planned and guided by professionals is crucial.

And for those looking to define muscles and lose fat?

In this case, a moderate caloric deficit is crucial, but movement must be constant and sustainable. Preserving muscle mass is essential, and diet and exercise must collaborate.

Why is it vital to have a specific nutritional plan?

It is not enough to eat healthy; Quantities and proportions matter. Portions, fruit and vegetable consumption, sedentary lifestyle and emotional hunger can sabotage our efforts. That is why professional support becomes essential, to help us find the most appropriate plan for each one.

How can SomosFit make a difference in achieving your goals?

SomosFit offers a comprehensive and community approach. By bringing together nutritionists, trainers and psychologists, we create an environment of constant support. The mobile app and exclusive group make it easy to connect and motivate, we have helped over 12,000 people around the world. You can get to know us better at

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