Interview Ferran | Ferran Torres: “Eric is the ‘bastard’ of the dressing room”

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In a fun test about his teammates, Ferran has answered about Dembélé’s hobbies, clothing and even life

The Barca striker reviewed the latest news on the team and the dressing room on the ‘Martínez y Hermanos’ program

ferran torres has gone through the Movistar + program, ‘Martínez y Hermanos’ presented by the actor and comedian Daniel Martinez in which he has reviewed current affairs and the Barça dressing room. In a fun test proposed by the presenter, Ferran has answered about their peers.

Surprising has been the first response. asked by the player who seems good but in reality is not so good, the Barca striker did not hesitate to answer the name of Eric Garcia to the astonishment of those present on the program. “He seems like the son-in-law that every father-in-law wants for his daughter, but be careful” explained Ferran Torres with a laugh. “He kills them by keeping quiet” concluded about it.

Nor has he hesitated to answer about the player who dresses worst in the locker room. Koundé has been chosen, being reaffirmed by Dani Martínez himself. He has also had no hesitation in answering the question, “Who knows something of the life of Dembélé?“, to which, between laughs, Ferran replied, “I think he doesn’t even know it.”

They have also asked him about the hobbies of the Barça dressing room and beyond the classic ones of entering the field with the right foot, the Barca striker has explained a very curious one. “There are people who always have to pee in the same stadium toilet,” he explained to the astonishment of the guests.
