Interstellar, why watch Nolan’s film on Italia 1

Uno of the most ambitious films of Christopher Nolan. Tonight at 21.20 on Italia 1 there is Interstellarmade after the trilogy dedicated to Dark Knight and to the destabilizing Inception. And Nolan continues to destabilize us. This time through the genre science fiction he takes us among the stars and gives us lessons in philosophy, physics and his vision of the future. Mix it more classic sci-fi to the denser one to the 2001: A Space Odyssey. It is no coincidence that the director and screenwriter is an avid fan of the film by Kubrick.

On his journey interstellar, however, Nolan puts it on the scales the love between a father and a daughter, an example replicated by James Gray in Ad Astrawhere the mission of Brad Pitt towards Neptune turns into an inner journey that leads him to the edge of the galaxy and to the discovery of his relationship with his father who died years earlier.

Interstellar: the plot

We are in the 21st century, humanity is on the verge of collapse climatic. Joseph Cooper (Matthew McConaughey), former NASA engineer, and daughter Murph (Mackenzie Foy) discover the existence of a space-time tunnel near their farm and above all a secret mission, led by Ameldia Brand (Anne Hathaway), towards a new planet Earth. In Interstellar we are not trying to save the Earth, but to replace it. The mission aborts and Cooper could be a hope to bring back the expedition survivor (Matt Damon), got trapped, and more.

Cooper starts by exploiting the so-called “wormholes” that allow you to overcome the physical limitations of space travel and cover immense distances. The former engineer, in addition to recovering Dr. Mann, it could save the whole of humanity from a certain end. In space time flows faster than on Earth where Murph in the meantime it becomes an adult (Jessica Chastain). There will be temporal and physical paradoxes that they can father and daughter to bend time and space to meet again.

Jessica Chastain and Casey Affleck.

Nolan chases after Kubrick

Nolan raises the bar of the science fiction genrehere the story goes beyond the strength of George Lucas, the narration goes beyond the most classic sci-fi taking us to the parts of the dictates philosophical and physicalsomewhat in the manner of Kubrick with his 2001: ORdissea in space. Sure the director of Shining he managed to overturn and elevate the genre in the late seventies. Nolan tries to do the same thing in 2013 grafting his authorial vision into a genre that at the beginning of the 2000s was mostly considered the place of confrontation between man and hostile extra-terrestrials.

The interstellar travel becomes a metaphor for the inner journey. Thanks to the success of the Batman trilogy that a major like Warner Bros relies on the director who wanted to challenge the public with a film that would have crossed the boundaries of sci-fi. And try to do it in the same year too Alfonso Cuarón with Gravity trying to combine spectacularity with high-profile content. The two outcomes will be different despite having the same ambition.

interstellar film plot actors italy 1

Matthew McConaughey and Anne Hathaway. (Kika)

Interstellar the love between a father and a daughter

Interstellar looks like a perfect continuation of Inception: from the digression into the multiple and unpredictable planes of the mind, Nolan pushes himself towards the unpredictable digressions of space and time. He leads us to the parts of quantum theory and theoretical physics.

interstellar film plot

Mackenzie Foy and Matthew McConaughey. (Ipa)

But in that abyss the director loses his compass a bit (along with us spectators). What emerges and becomes a disruptive force within the science fiction and scientific vortex is the love between a father and a daughter that bends space and time. The narrative structure conceived by Nolan it sinks, becomes overloaded with arguments, theories and feelings. It does not hold the weight. This does not happen in the very dense spite Inception and in the aforementioned Kubrick masterpiece 2001: A Space Odyssey.

Nolan tries to create his own 2001, without fully succeeding, but the emotional journey also overwhelms the viewer, as well as Coper and Murph. If you haven’t done so yet, we recommend that you take a look Interstellar because it is one of the best science fiction films of the last 20 years.

