Interpreters subjected to an intolerable slide

I have always wondered how the interpreters of a series live, what they feel, what they think when finally a television network puts it on its grills and premieres it. Usually months go by after shooting it. And when the public, the audience, can finally see their work, for the performers it must be an important event.

And I have always kept wondering if they feel well treated. Let’s take a current case, that of the exquisite and delicate actress Elena Rivera. In a time interval of less than 10 days we have seen her starring on TVE-1 the series ‘Drought’ and now on A-3 TV the series ‘Alba’. There is a big difference in how they have treated her. The premiere of ‘Alba’ on A-3 has previously been very well promoted. And the first chapter of it, in prime time, has swept the audience. It has not diminished one iota that the entire series was already posted on the Atresplayer payment portal since March 2021.

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Elena Rivera plays a young woman who is raped. She appears beaten, harassed, stunned, lying on the beach in Villajoyosa. She does a wonderful job, this actress: she immediately conveys to us the trauma, the ordeal, the tear that invades every woman who is raped. A week ago she broadcast TVE-1 the last chapter of ‘Drought’, a series in which she also Elena Rivera has a leading role. She plays a police inspector who investigates two crimes that occurred on the border with Portugal. It’s a good series. But TVE-1 has treated her very badly. More than emitting it, it seemed that they were taking it off her, like someone who stands at the window to shake an espadrille. Chapter seven, for example, I have not been able to find out when they aired it. And the eight, the last, was released hidden in some hole in the grill, around one in the morning. Neither the audience nor Elena Rivera nor do the rest of the performers deserve this contempt, this planning and broadcasting disaster.

This type of series, well done, with extensive shooting outdoors, usually cost a minimum of 500,000 euros per episode. There have been eight episodes of ‘Drought’. That is, four million. I already know that all this about money – our money – the public channels, instead of carrying it with transparency, they carry it with suspicious opacity. It is time to demand light and stenographers. It’s time to start demanding responsibilities.
