Interparliamentary summit emphasizes that Crimea is Ukrainian | Abroad

During the summit, the presidents of the Croatian and Ukrainian parliaments, Croatian Prime Minister and Ukrainian President Volodimir Zelenski addressed the summit (via video). Speaker of the US House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi and representatives of the Canadian, European and Japanese parliaments also took the floor.

“Crimea is Ukrainian and Russia’s actions are illegal and inhumane, to us it is crystal clear,” said Senate President Stephanie D’Hose. “But outside Russia too, people are mimicking pro-Putin propaganda, hoping to undermine our support for Ukraine.”

“By condemning Russia’s actions, we contribute to the preservation of international law and affirm our commitment to an international order based on the rule of law, the preservation of peace, respect for national sovereignty and the prohibition of on the unlawful use of force. Russia will have to answer to the competent international jurisdiction to do justice to the victims,” ​​said Chamber President Eliane Tillieux.
