Internet slow? That can help

A working internet connection is essential in many situations. If the speed of the internet connection is impaired, this can have various causes.

First determine the speed of the connection

Fast and reliable internet is essential for many people these days. It allows us to work from home, stay in touch with others, access information, enjoy entertainment and much more – provided the internet connection is sufficiently stable. But what can you do if you are struggling with a slow internet connection?

Before taking action, it is important to check the actual speed of the internet connection, according to the consumer advice center. For example, the Federal Network Agency’s online tool can be used to measure download and upload speeds. In this way, a reference value for the speed of the connection can be determined in order to be able to check the progress later.

Check router

The first step should be to restart the router, according to Forbes. A simple restart of the router can sometimes do wonders. To do this, the device is disconnected from the power and reconnected after a few seconds. In addition, the position of the router should be checked. The location of the router can have a significant impact on internet speed. The router should be placed near the devices that use the Internet most often. Obstacles like walls and furniture can weaken the signal, so it’s helpful to place the router in a central location in the house. In the event of connection problems, the hardware used should also be checked to ensure it is up to date and replaced if necessary. If necessary, consider upgrading to newer hardware that supports faster speeds.

Reduce the number of connected devices

If the problems persist even after checking the router for functionality and up-to-dateness, the number of devices on the network should be checked, says Avast. The more devices connected to the network, the more the bandwidth is shared. If possible, the number of devices connected at the same time should be reduced. To do this, the WLAN connection can be deactivated on devices that are not actively used in order to reduce the load on the network. Other electronic devices such as microwaves, cordless phones or baby monitors can also interfere with the Wi-Fi signal and affect the speed, reports T Online. The router should therefore be placed as far away as possible from such sources of interference.

If problems persist with a wireless connection, a wired connection should be considered, Techbook says. A wired connection typically offers a more stable and faster internet connection compared to WiFi. To do this, the device is connected directly to the router with an Ethernet cable to achieve the best possible speed.

If all other measures fail and the Internet speed is still unsatisfactory, the Internet provider should be contacted to ensure that there is no widespread disruption and to take further measures in cooperation with the Internet provider, according to the consumer advice center.

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