Internet consultation starts for extension of benefit for older unemployed | News item

News item | 13-07-2023 | 17:19

For people over sixty who become unemployed or partially fit for work, it is often difficult to find work again. In the package of measures for the labor market that Minister Van Gennip (Social Affairs and Employment) presented in April, it was decided that older unemployed people should be able to claim an IOW benefit for another four years. As a result, they remain assured of income. The amendment to the Income Provision for the Older Unemployed Act (IOW) that should make this possible is going into internet consultation today.

The IOW benefit is available to jobseekers over the age of 60 and 4 months with a WW or WGA benefit. This group still participates less in the labor market and is less likely to find work again after losing a job. This is also increasingly the case as retirement age approaches.

The extension of the IOW is in line with the measures that Minister Van Gennip has taken together with the social partners to improve the labor market position of seniors. Without IOW, this group would have to draw on their assets relatively shortly before their state pension and would suffer a sharp financial loss. The right to enter the IOW would expire on 1 January 2024, but this bill extends that right by four years.

Due to this amendment to the law, this benefit, which is not subject to a partner or asset test, will remain available in the coming years to people who are not yet entitled to state pension.

Internet consultation

Everyone can until August 21, 2023 via reager for the bill. After processing the feedback, the decision will be published again on this website.
