Internet consultation started: sixth tranche of the Housing Development Impulse scheme made more accessible | News item

News item | 22-09-2023 | 09:31

Preparations for the sixth tranche of the Housing Construction Impulse (Wbi) are in full swing. Municipalities can register from December 18. Based on evaluations of the previous tranches, the scheme for this new round has been adjusted on a number of points and made more accessible. Interested parties can now view the draft regulations via a public internet consultation.

The Housing Development Incentive is intended for municipalities to use to accelerate the construction of new homes, increase the number of new homes in a project or increase the affordability of those homes for starters and people with a middle income. The Wbi has existed since 2020. To date, there have been five tranches, which together contributed to the construction of more than 184,000 new homes throughout the country.

Conditions more accessible

The scheme has been made more accessible to all municipalities:

  • The minimum required project size is no longer determined on the basis of the municipality size. A minimum project size of 200 homes now applies to each municipality.
  • Housing deal regions that have more ambitions than the current number of agreed homes and thus make a substantial contribution to increasing the total number of homes from 900,000 to 981,000 up to and including 2030 will receive additional urgency points.
  • There will be a resit option after the sixth assessment round. Applications that have just missed the mark can be supplemented within a short period of time by the submitting municipality, so that it can still claim a contribution.

Internet consultation started

The scheme for the sixth tranche is now available for inspection. It is possible to view the scheme and respond to it.

Registration for the sixth tranche of the Wbi starts on December 18. Municipalities then have until approximately February 12, 2024 to submit their applications. The applications are assessed by the Housing Development Impulse Assessment Committee. The results of the sixth tranche will follow before the summer.

can be found on the Housing Construction Impulse dossier page practical stories of projects that were realized with the help of a contribution from the Wbi. So recently the story of the Veluwse Poort project in Ede added. This municipality received a contribution from the 2nd tranche – partly thanks to additional support from the Housing Expert team – after the first application was not immediately successful. The first homes have now been completed.
