Internet consultation on Climate Fund bill started | news item

News item | 29-04-2022 | 17:15

The internet consultation of the Climate Fund bill has started today. The climate fund is one of the most important instruments in the coalition agreement to make financing possible for measures that contribute to the goal of at least a 55% CO2 reduction by 2030. €35 billion has been made available in the Coalition Agreement for this. Stakeholders have until May 27 to respond to the bill.

The government has set ambitious climate targets. In 2030, at least 55% less CO . must be reduced in the Netherlands2 are emitted, as a prelude to a climate-neutral society in 2050. In order to achieve this goal, substantial investments will be needed in the coming years in matters such as energy infrastructure, greening industry, making the built environment more sustainable and the construction of new nuclear power stations. A climate fund makes it possible for resources to remain available for several years to finance investments necessary for the energy transition.

The bill includes rules about the management of the fund and the decision-making process about the allocation of resources. The bill proposes to designate the Minister for Climate and Energy as fund manager who will annually present a multi-year program to parliament with an overview of the expenditure that will be made from the fund. Departments that wish to use funds from the fund can submit a substantiated proposal to the fund manager. It is proposed that a decision be taken once a year on the allocation of resources from the fund.

The Ministry of EZK invites interested parties to respond to the bill. The internet consultation is intended to get input on the bill and to improve it further. The internet consultation is open until May 27. The internet consultation report is then published and sent to respondents within a few weeks.
