Internet consultation on changes to the three-hour scheme and the fixed-face criterion for childcare | News item

News item | 02-11-2022 | 00:00

The government wants to relax the Childcare Quality Decree and is therefore starting an internet consultation: anyone who wants to can respond to the proposed changes until 20 November 2022. The relaxation concerns the three-hour rule and the fixed-face criterion. The current rules are restrictive in practice, especially in combination with the current shortage of staff and work pressure. After close consultation with sector parties in the childcare sector, the government will make a proposal to adjust these two requirements.

Changes to the three-hour schedule

  • The current requirement that childcare facilities may deviate from the professional-child ratio (BKR) for a maximum of three hours per day remains unchanged. In addition, it is no longer necessary to determine in advance in the pedagogical policy plan the exact times at which deviations occur. This gives children’s centers more space to move along with daily practice.
  • From now on, the pedagogical policy plan will describe the regular personnel services and the frameworks for the three-hour arrangement (how does the holder deal with group division and staff deployment, in which situations does the BKR deviate from the BKR and how attention is paid to the needs of the child as a fewer professionals are employed?).
  • In addition, childcare center owners must be able to provide up-to-date rosters of professionals (including break times) and attendance lists of children (including arrival and departure times). This allows the supervisor to check whether a holder deviates from the BKR for a maximum of three hours a day.

Fixed faces criterion changes

  • Depending on the age of the child and the size of the tribe, each child is assigned a number of ‘fixed faces’. On all days that a child is present, one of the permanent faces must also be present.
  • In the decision, holders of childcare centers are given the opportunity to temporarily deviate from the fixed faces criterion. For example, during periods of illness, leave or vacation of one or more permanent faces. As a result, a different professional can be deployed during those periods than a ‘permanent face’.
  • A number of conditions apply to the derogation option, the aim of which is to guarantee the child’s emotional safety and stability.

Respond to the internet consultation until November 20, 2022
The amendment to the Childcare Quality Decree is now online for public internet consultation. Anyone who wants to can respond and give his/her opinion about the regulations at
