Internet consultation has started on a bill to amend the reintegration obligations in the second year of illness | News item

News item | 13-10-2023 | 4:15 PM

Small and medium-sized employers and their employees will receive clarity about the replacement of an employee after the first year of illness. Minister Van Gennip of Social Affairs and Employment is putting this draft bill into internet consultation today. This proposal is one of the agreements from this spring’s broad labor market package. The aim of the package is more security for workers and more agility for companies.

Being ill for a long time or becoming incapacitated for work has a major impact on people. Initially, of course, for the employee himself or herself and for his or her environment. But an employer also faces problems if an employee is out of action for a longer period of time. Small and medium-sized employers in particular are less agile if one of their employees is absent for a long period of time.

In the spring, it was therefore agreed in the labor market package that reintegration in the second year of illness in these companies will focus as much as possible on the so-called second track, i.e. that someone starts working for another employer. This becomes possible with the employee’s consent or with the permission of UWV. This provides both the employer and the employee with clarity at an earlier stage about the path to be followed during reintegration. And the employer provides earlier clarity about the possibility of replacing the sick employee.

The aim of the draft bill is to make small and medium-sized employers more agile by providing clarity earlier until the moment they must keep the sick employee’s own position available. Those involved can respond to this internet consultation until November 24, 2023.
