Internet consultation Childcare Allowance Decree 2024 | News item

News item | 21-02-2023 | 08:00

With the 2024 Childcare Allowance Decree, Minister Van Gennip of Social Affairs and Employment is adjusting the maximum hourly rates and qualifying incomes for the childcare allowance for 2024. In this way, the childcare allowance moves along with the average price level in the economy and childcare remains accessible and affordable for working parents. The Decree was published online on 21 February for consultation.

The maximum hourly rates and the qualifying incomes for the childcare allowance are indexed each year on the basis of the estimated wage and price development. This is done on the basis of the estimates in the Central Economic Plan (CEP) of the Central Planning Bureau (CPB) in March.

Because the figures from the CEP were not yet known at the time of publication of this report, the amounts in the draft decision have been left open. In the final decision, these amounts are filled in with the current figures from the CEP. The final decision must be published in October, so that the Benefits department has sufficient time to implement the changes in the systems. Therefore, the decision cannot be submitted for consultation later.

Do you want to think about these topics? Interested parties have until March 20 to respond to
