Internet consultation changes BSO and fixed face criterion childcare | News item

News item | 2023-02-20 | 11:08

Childcare organizations will be given more scope to meet the fixed face criterion. Minister Van Gennip of Social Affairs and Employment wants to amend the Childcare Quality Decree for this purpose. At the same time, the minister wants to adjust three quality requirements for out-of-school care, so that the BSO can offer a wider range of activities. The minister is therefore starting an internet consultation on which people can comment until 2 April 2023. The amendment to the Childcare Quality Decree was established in close consultation with sector parties.


Fixed faces criterion

Depending on the age of the child and the size of the tribal group, a child is assigned a number of fixed faces. On every day the child is present, one of the regular faces must also be present. The amendment to the Childcare Quality Decree gives a childcare organization the opportunity to deploy professional workers in training as permanent faces. As a result, a larger group of professionals can act as permanent faces. This option is subject to a number of conditions that are intended to protect the emotional safety of the child and to prevent the work and mental pressure of professionals (in training) from increasing.

School care

The Decree changes three quality requirements that relate to out-of-school care:

  1. The professional-child ratio is calculated at the level of the childcare location (instead of at group level).
  2. Childcare that transcends childcare centers during school-free periods is simplified. For example, no separate agreements need to be included in contracts between parent and holder. It also becomes clearer which conditions must be met.
  3. It will be possible to deploy other qualified professionals, such as someone with a background in music, sports or nature, in a formative manner.

These changes contribute, among other things, to focusing on the development of children by providing more space for a diverse and challenging range of activities. All changes are subject to conditions that aim to continue to guarantee high-quality and safe childcare.

Respond to the internet consultation up to and including 2 April 2023
The amendment to the Childcare Quality Decree is now available online for public internet consultation. Anyone who wants to can respond and give his/her opinion on the regulations at:
