Internationals of Italy. Nadal and the Foro Italico “friend”: “How beautiful you are Rome”

On Sportweek, the ten-time winner of the Internationals explains why he feels at home in the capital, thanks to the warmth of the fans that makes the atmosphere magical, the Trevi Fountain restaurant (“The best is pasta with fish”) and the character of the Italians (“So similar to that of us Spaniards”)

He was not yet 19 years old, he had entered the top ten for two weeks but by now he had already carved out the role of the new prodigy of world tennis. Back then, it was May 2005, but it was thought that Rafael Nadal could mark an era especially on earth, the surface on which he was born and raised and which enhanced his disruptive physicality and extraordinary tactical intelligence. After twenty years of career that have magnified his qualities as a complete champion, one of the greatest in the history of his sport, that prediction obviously appears reductive,
