International world top badminton youth will come to Haarlem at the beginning of March

After two canceled editions due to corona, the major international badminton tournament for youth up to the age of 19, the Yonex Dutch Junior International, will take place this year in the sports hall on Badmintonplein in Haarlem. It is one of the four largest youth tournaments in the world and takes place from 1 to 5 March. Among the participants are some world class players, such as Zhu Yi Jun from China.

In total, about 300 international badminton talents participate, mainly from Asian countries. During the first week of March, the badminton players mainly stay in hotels and hostels in Haarlem and Zandvoort.

China’s Zhu Yi Jun is world champion in men’s and mixed doubles. That is why he is one of the favourites. Meerte Loos (17 years old) and Florine Wille (15 years old) both play for the Dutch youth selection, play at Duinwijck in Haarlem and also have a shot at one of the titles at the Yonex Dutch Junior International.

Chinese selection

The Chinese selection is therefore just there this year. Despite the fact that the corona virus is now flaring up again in that country, the organization in Haarlem does not yet see a need to take additional measures during the tournament.

“We always follow government guidelines. Moreover, the players usually do not come to Haarlem directly from China, but first play other tournaments in Europe,” says spokesperson Michelle Roos. “We are very happy that it can finally go ahead again. Our core team is unchanged, the scripts can be taken out of the closet again.”
