Internal application: How to change jobs within the old company

Employees who want to develop professionally but remain loyal to their company can consider the option of changing jobs internally. What is important is explained below.

That’s what experts say

If you want to develop your career, you have to keep an eye on the job market. However, opportunities for career advancement do not only arise when changing companies. A career change is often helped by a job change within the old company. Moritz von Schaumann-Werder – an employee in the human resources department of the pharmaceutical company Bayer – said this to the Handelsblatt: “We focus on the topic of internal job changes so that employees with experience from different departments come together.” He refers to the advantage that arises from the resulting diversity and also adds that teams of this type are “an asset to the company”. According to Schaumann-Werder, this approach also offers advantages for employees, who are often given preference over external applicants. “Internal employees have already proven themselves and do not need to be trained in the processes first,” explains the HR manager.

This is how you can make a career move within the company

There are a few things to consider when changing jobs internally. Anyone seeking a career change should first and foremost be open to department heads or employers in order to give them time to think about and decide on how to proceed with filling the position. If necessary, this leads to a conversation about moving to a new – higher paid – position within the original company.

However, anyone who “storms and pushes” too early “[…] and constantly pointing out one’s skills and willingness to perform can quickly become unpopular with colleagues and superiors,” says Dr. Bram Gätjen, owner of Dr. Gätjen & Krell personnel consultancy in Bensberg, Rhineland, to the career platform Monster. Rather, employees who Want to develop professionally and financially, draw attention to yourself through “openness, commitment and flexibility”, contribute your own ideas and not be afraid of peak loads. If new, more complex tasks arise for the team, new opportunities often open up for employees who are already in the field They did excellent work beforehand and were considered reliable.

Tips for internal career advancement

Although both the company culture and colleagues are already considered familiar, internal applications should not be taken lightly. Anyone seeking a new position within the company should still submit a proper application to the human resources department in order to illustrate the required qualifications and to demonstrate determination and commitment. Both motivation and familiarity with the latest company figures and facts should be taken into account.

In order not to offend current superiors and colleagues, the application process should be treated confidentially. Informing your colleagues via “floor radio” before the new position has been confirmed shows arrogance, which, as we all know, comes before a fall. If the new position is not approved, the old one must be continued (for the time being) – the prevailing mood depends largely on the discretion shown in advance – or not.

If the internal job change has been approved, it must be organized properly. All projects should therefore be completed before starting the new position so as not to leave colleagues hanging. The training of the employee who takes over the old position should also be carried out and organized just as thoroughly as the handover at the end. Employees with customer contact should inform them of their position change and introduce the new contact person as part of the handover process.

Inna Warkus / editorial team

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Image sources: Lisa S. /, baranq /
