Inter, what a joke: D’Ambrosio’s fine canceled but the disqualification remains

After the dispute with Paredes, the Sports Court of Appeal rejected the Nerazzurri’s request to cancel the second day’s break

Fine cancelled, but suspension matches intact. And Inter feel mocked. The Sports Court of Appeal today confirmed the two rounds of stop for Danilo D’Ambrosio, punished by the sports judge with a two-match disqualification, plus a fine of 5,000 euros, “for non-regulatory behavior on the pitch” in the dispute with Paredes during the last Inter-Juve.

Hands around the neck

No Salernitana, therefore, on Friday 7 April, after the defender had already missed last Saturday’s match against Fiorentina. The Inter player had put his hands around Paredes’ neck (stopped for one round), while the Argentine pulled his left ear (gesture not included in the scoresheet, and therefore not punished with the second round of stoppage for D’ Ambrosio, despite the race director being there). However, the Sports Court of Appeal rejected – partially – the Nerazzurri club’s appeal, keeping the two-day break intact and canceling the fine.
