Inter transfer market, Zanetti: “Dybala is a great player. We will do everything”

The Nerazzurri vice president: “I had a lot of discussions with Paulo, we’ve been friends for 16 years, but we haven’t touched on the future topic. Perisic? The will to keep him has always been there. The talks began in November.”

On the one hand the renewal of Perisic, on the other the possibility of reaching Dybala, who was left without a team after the separation with Juventus. The Inter market could revolve a lot around luxury freezers, an option that the management has always carefully considered, as also confirmed by the arrival of Onana, present at San Siro. Javier Zanetti, one of the protagonists of the Integration Heroes Match, talked about the Nerazzurri’s strategies in the interview granted to Sky Sport: “Ivan had a great season, the will to keep him has always been there. The speeches began in November, now it’s up to him to decide whether to continue with us. I discussed a lot with Paulo, we’ve been friends for 16 years, but we haven’t touched on the future topic. We chatted about Italy-Argentina where I will be present too. He is a great player, the management will do their best to strengthen the team. We are a good working group and we want to continue to be competitive. ”


Despite the failure to overtake Milan, who became Italian champion, the balance of the season remains positive. “We won two trophies, in Serie A we went all the way with the title we won last year and in the Champions League we came out with our heads held high. The premises were different, so we want to continue like this. AC Milan are good at winning, but we are growing and we want this moment to continue ”concluded the vice president of Inter.
