Inter transfer market: who is Ledure, De Vrij and Lukaku’s watchdog

The Belgian lawyer fights against the ‘crafty’ agents and has also worked for the tennis player Henin, Big Rom entrusted him with the dream of returning to Milan

Also this time the “watchdog” Sebastien Ledure is taking home the bone, paving the way for Romelu Lukaku’s sensational return to Inter. Now it’s up to the Nerazzurri and Chelsea to find a square on the loan, but the Belgian lawyer has traced the path to whom more and more players rely to protect their interests. Even against some ‘crafty’ prosecutors who think more about personal gain than that of the client.

After De Vrij, tricked by Seg, Ledure is trying to help another big player in orbit Inter. We know better the lawyer who could soon put his signature on the sensational return of Big Rom.

Henin too

Ledure is the founder and main representative of the international sports law firm Cresta, which through Cresta Leaders and Cresta Talents deals with exclusive consultancy for footballers, but not only given that in the past he protected the former number one of women’s tennis Justin Henin, Belgian like Sebastien. Among the top in negotiations, contracts and dispute resolution, the polyglot Ledure (he speaks English, French, Dutch and Italian) is also a board member of the AIAF, the international association of football lawyers.

De Vrij

Like the truly powerful, ours prefers to stay in the shadows. But he was behind the victory of a historic lawsuit for wrongful commission that earned Stefan de Vrij 4.7 million in compensation from Seg (Sports Entertainment Group), the agency that assisted him before the move to Raiola. Seg had taken care of the transfer of the defender to Inter, on a free transfer from Lazio in 2018. On 6 April 2021 the Court of Amsterdam condemned the old representatives for having reached a hidden understanding with the unwitting Inter (complete with a percentage of a possible resale), effectively defrauding De Vrij.

Belgian Calciopoli

Since 2018, Ledure – who among others also represents Depay and Saelemaekers – has also been one of the legal protagonists of the scandal that has engulfed Belgian football. A sort of Calciopoli, with mega trial scheduled by the end of 2022, which currently sees 56 suspects and almost 200 suspects for salaries, commissions and transfers who have committed crimes ranging from embezzlement to tax fraud and money laundry.


“We can define ourselves as guard dogs who check that the prosecutors of professionals do not play the double game – explained Ledure a year ago to Gazzetta and FC InterNews -. Unfortunately, it often happens that the interests of the various customers are not pursued, but rather personal ones . The various professionals are not involved in the negotiations and the agents, having established relationships with the clubs over the years, are often more brokers than agents. They work for multiple clients and not just for the player. An example? The large commissions that they end up in the pockets of the prosecutors, without a euro being turned over to the player’s account, who most likely knows nothing about what happened. One of my first customers was Lukaku, who has just had two negative experiences with previous agents. So he chose Pastorello, who, however, has to give an account to a specialized team that works for the Belgian forward. Such important players are a sort of company. ” And recently Lukaku has argued on Instagram with the same Pastorello, of whom he had not liked some statements to the media: “I’m the only one who has the right to talk about my interests”.

Now it’s up to the clubs

And Ledure is the only ‘watchdog’ that Big Rom trusts in this very delicate moment. After having met Marotta and Ausilio in recent days, the next mission will be to find a meeting point that protects his assisted him, allowing him to fulfill the dream of returning to where he was really happy. The new ownership of Chelsea has given Tuchel carte blanche on the transfer market, endorsing the departure of the Colossus who has never tied up with the German coach. After investing 115 million just a year ago, the Blues – for now still in the hands of Marina Granovskaia – would aim to collect the annual amortization of 24 million for the loan. A compromise is being worked out. The rest will be up to Ledure and Lukaku himself, who will have to almost halve his current 12 million plus bonus salary. The tax benefits of the Growth Decree expire on 30 June. The sooner it closes, the better for the attacker and Inter. In addition to being a guard, Ledure will have to prove himself a racing dog.
