Inter transfer market, Perisic at Tottenham greets the fans on Instagram

The Croatian says goodbye to the Nerazzurri fans on Instagram: “I’m leaving feeling honored to have been part of this club”

Ivan Perisic greets Inter and consequently throws himself into the arms of Antonio Conte’s Tottenham, his new team after the signing of the biennial in London. The Croatian takes his leave with a few lines of thanks on his Instagram account, a mixture of gratitude and farewell for the end of the Nerazzurri adventure.

The post

“After 254 games, 55 goals, 49 assists, 3 trophies and 18,934 minutes spent on the pitch wearing this glorious jersey – reads Perisic’s account -, my adventure at Inter ends here. Even if each end marks a new one. start, it is important to look back on these past years and share with you my most sincere pride for the work done and the goals achieved together. It was an unforgettable experience that has given so much to me as a player and to all my family. team, staff, all employees, but especially the fans: you will always have a special place in my heart. I leave feeling honored to have been part of this club. With so many emotions in my heart, I leave you saying … ‘It’s a infinite joy, which lasts a lifetime, Pazza Inter, love it ‘”.
