Inter, the victory with Roma ignites the enthusiasm of the fans

At the stadium the choirs for Inzaghi, on social networks the posts of jubilation for the clear success on Rome and the newfound top of the standings: “We are a steamroller”

Three goals and an “impressive show of strength” in front of a packed San Siro (once again) and at times ecstatic, just like the Nerazzurri people on social networks. The magical afternoon of Inter, which is worth the rediscovered top of the table, is reflected in the irrepressible joy of the fans and in the definitive investiture that the people of the Meazza give to Simone Inzaghi, ideally carried in triumph by the Nerazzurri tide that has again registered everything worn out. The name of the technician chanted in a loud voice 10 ‘from the end is the signal of a love that blossomed to the sound of play and results. In the meantime, an avalanche of comments and exultant posts on social networks for a success, the one on Rome, defined as “very heavy”. For the people of Twitter, the one against the Giallorossi was “a monstrous showdown”.

The warmth of San Siro

It’s okay that the game was a continuous crescendo from the Nerazzurri from the first attempt by Calhanoglu and from the goal from Dumfries onwards, but the San Siro crowd constantly accompanied the concert of Inzaghi’s troops. Pounding support, pressure on the opponent and, as has often been the case for some time now, a crowded Meazza with the beauty of 74,947 souls cheering in the stands and stands. The convincing performance of the Nerazzurri has certainly contributed to raising the temperature, which after the doubling of Brozovic has reached engaging peaks of euphoria. After Lautaro’s third goal, the party became total, with the audience pushing and supporting the team at the top of their lungs even in the final minutes after Mkhitaryan’s yellow and red jolt.

The choirs for Inzaghi

The most acclaimed were Lautaro and Brozovic, but a massive dose of applause and chants were also dedicated to Calhanoglu, among the best in the field. The most significant chorus started about ten minutes from the end, addressed to Inzaghi. This is thanks to the work that allowed him to build a beautiful and winning car, but also to the mentality that he has been able to instill in the team and the empathy he has shown with the environment and with the fans. The exultation of the coach and the immediate incitement to the stands after the doubling of Brozovic were another clear demonstration of this. The chants for Inzaghi arrived shortly after those for Mourinho, as if to underline how the Piacenza coach has definitively entered the hearts of the Inter people.

Jubilation on the web

A bit of the same concept that emerges on the web, where the specific weight of the three points obtained against the last opponent of weight on the calendar between now and the end of the championship is underlined. “A victory that is worth double”, according to several users, but which above all “speaks volumes about the mentality and awareness” of Inzaghi’s team. The hashtag #InterRoma expresses the Nerazzurri’s jubilation for a victory that fuels ambitions and fills the eyes, on the basis of what Inter have done for long stretches this season. It is no coincidence that there are those who underline how “Inter in December seems to be back”, that is to say “a steamroller”. In short, the enthusiasm of the Nerazzurri people is at very high levels, like the game expressed by an Inter who is increasingly confident and aware of their means.
