Inter, the season revolves around the Lukaku-Lautaro duo

Inzaghi drew the team on the characteristics of the two strikers: on the shoulders of the couple the fortunes of the Nerazzurri

When Brian De Palma directed that masterpiece of “The Untouchables”, the Untouchables, two other masterpieces were not even born. It was 1987, it was enough to wait a few more years. Who is Sean Connery doing for Inter today? Who Kevin Costner? Here they are: Romelu Lukaku and Lautaro Martinez. Untouchable by curriculum: just reread the data of the two seasons lived together. By detachment, we mean on the alternatives Dzeko and Correa, real and potential detachment. And for the technical feeling, which will also need to be slightly retouched compared to what it was.
