Inter, the press release on the Curva Nord

The club also expressed “total solidarity with those fans who have been forced to give up their love and passion for the Nerazzurri”. Investigations by investigators are continuing

After a day of reflection, Inter took a stand on the story of the fans brought out of the Curva Nord by the ultras at the interval of the match against Sampdoria, as a sign of respect for the death of the historic leader of the curve, Vittorio Boiocchi. And as it had leaked yesterday, Zhang’s club condemned the violence saying it was ready to work with the police to identify those responsible. “FC Internazionale Milano – reads the official statement – firmly condemns any episode of coercion that took place on Saturday evening at the second green ring of the San Siro stadium. The club, which fights against all kinds of violence in every location, reaffirms the essential values ​​of brotherhood, inclusion and anti-discrimination – and expresses its total solidarity with those fans who have been forced to give up what they care most: love and passion for Inter. The club – which strives every year to strengthen the safety and surveillance structure inside the stadium – once again reaffirms its full collaboration with the Police to ensure the protection of the rights of its fans “.


No reference to any “refreshments” for the fans who were forced to leave the North, by hook or by crook. Some have found a way to see the rest of the challenge at the second red or third green ring. Others, after perhaps having been the object of un “orthodox” treatment by the ultras, left San Siro seeing only one time of the challenge. If Inter decides in some way to compensate them, we will see later, bearing in mind that the seats in the Curva Nord are all sold by season ticket and that tickets cannot be purchased in league matches. Any refreshments will probably also depend on the developments of the “blessed” investigation last night on Twitter by the Minister of Sport, Andrea Abodi, and carried out by the investigators who are viewing the videos available to them (waiting for others to arrive …). The goal is to give a name to those responsible against whom the Daspo would shoot.
