Inter, the Curva Nord does not go to Lecce: “Two broken buses”

Many Inter supporters will miss the Via del Mare trip due to a vehicle failure: “The other Inter fans will still be able to give the team that extra push.”

At Via del Mare the warmth of the home crowd promises to be incredible to celebrate the return to Serie A of the Giallorossi, there is no doubt. For the visiting team, however, the support will be a little less than expected. The Curva Nord has in fact communicated that it will not be at the stadium for Lecce-Inter due to an unfortunate incident that hindered the caravan of supporters of the Italian vice champions. Two buses broke down on the way between Milan and the city of Salento and it was not possible to find alternative solutions.

The press release

To inform the Nerazzurri fans is the same group organized through social channels: “The Curva Nord announces that, with great regret, it will not be able to be officially present tonight at the first championship in Lecce. Two of the buses that left Milan last night they are broken along the way and the neroazzurra caravan (also considering the complicated period of the year) has not found viable emergency solutions. We are sure that all the other Inter fans who have arrived in Salento will still be able to give that extra boost to the team. “
