Inter-Sassuolo, the words of Farris

Simone’s deputy after the success against Sassuolo: “Romelu is fundamental at all levels, now the real one is back and we’re enjoying it”

The victory with Sassuolo left Simone Inzaghi speechless, so his deputy and trusted Massimiliano Farris commented on a happy evening under the sign of Lukaku: “We missed him a lot. I would like to say that Romelu missed himself and above all to us. Players like him are fundamental at all levels, in rotations, as in the empathy he has with the whole environment. Now we enjoy the real Lukaku, who is the one of the last few games. And we also missed other important players like Brozovic. We miss Skriniar, even if we found an amazing Darmian. Today we saw a great Bellanova, we know that young people need time to grow, but they also know how to be ready”.

difficult calendar

On second place in the standings and the Champions League race: “This was a great opportunity not to be missed – continues Farris – to put a buffer in the Champions League race. We have other tough matches ahead of us, the calendar is packed and it’s not easy, having a small margin that protects us from possible mistakes is fundamental. Well done the boys to seize the opportunity on the fly”. Then the conversation slipped to the pairing with Inzaghi, especially in difficult moments: “Did we feel in discussion? Of course, every day”.
