Inter: Sanchez wants to return, but Corra has to leave first

The Chilean absolutely wants to return to the Nerazzurri, as also admitted by Marotta. Everything, however, depends on the exit of the Argentine that the club initially wanted to sell only outright

Francis Sessa

Constant signals. Alexis Sanchez, phone-home. The Chilean wants Inter, only Inter. And he makes it clear in every possible way, increasing contacts with former teammates and waiting for the possibility of returning to Milan to really open up, not taking other destinations into consideration. Even Beppe Marotta, on the microphones of Radio TV Serie A, was unbalanced: “It’s a pleasure that Sanchez wants to return. He’s truly a champion, he has great passion for his work. He left reluctantly and now he’s signaling his return. this is true”. The Chilean’s fate is linked to the future of Tucu Correa, but now Sanchez-bis at Inter is not a utopia.

last year

Sanchez is without a team, but anything but “boiled”: the 34-year-old from Tacopilla comes from the 18 goals he scored against Marseille in 2022/23, his best scoring season in the last six years after the 30 goals in 2016/17 with Arsenal, when he was among the top in the world in his role. The champion’s DNA still feeds the footballer Alexis, who is hungry and, above all, a mad desire to return to wearing the Nerazzurri, so much so that he is waiting for the call from Italy. The Chilean left well with the Inter world, despite the club’s decision to get rid of him a year ago with a lot of severance pay. Sanchez cost the Nerazzurri just over 9 million gross, for a net of 7: in 2021/22 he was the highest paid player in the squad, hence the choice to part ways. But now the conditions would be decidedly different.

correa factor

Sanchez would return with a one-year contract with a salary more than halved compared to Inter’s last season: around 3 million net. Less than what Correa earns, or 3.5. Net of the severance pay a year ago, therefore, it could still be a sensible operation for Inter: outside a player who seems to have nothing left to give and inside a player who is still hungry, as well as well liked by the environment. However, Tucu still needs to be fixed, as he remained on the bench for the entire match against Monza and to whom Frattesi was preferred in the final to replace Lautaro, with Mkhitaryan advanced. A signal from Inzaghi, who seems to have given up after two years of fighting for his Correa. At this point, Inter would also sell Tucu on loan and the latest rumor leads to Seville, with ongoing contacts between the two clubs. The impression is that, given the current situation, an arrangement for the Argentine will eventually be found. And then the Sanchez-bis could really become a reality.
