Inter, Onana as Roberto Carlos and Hakimi

The Nerazzurri had signed the Cameroonian on a free transfer from Ajax and sold him in the Premier League after a great season: situations similar to what happened for the Brazilian champion and the Moroccan

Matthew Nava

Nav Matthew

Twelve months, sometimes less, is enough to leave a huge footprint. In the eyes of the fans, of course, but also on the club’s accounts. André Onana was sold in the Premier League for a total of 55 million and Inter pocketed a sensational capital gain. In fact, the Cameroonian arrived in Milan on 1 July 2022 on a free transfer from Ajax and in just one season he completed several climbs: the personal one from the uncertainties of the Africa Cup to the Nerazzurri solidity, the one in the hierarchies by undermining Samir Handanovic from the role of owner and the one on the world scene, from promising explosive goalkeeper to formidable market man. And that’s not the only case in the club’s history.

Paris calling

In fact, it is enough to rewind the tape a couple of years and there is a similar case in the Inter house, however moved to the right wing. Because in 2020 the nerazzurri remain dazzled by the flames of Achraf Hakimi in the Borussia Dortmund shirt, even if in reality his card is from Real Madrid. Not bad, the future champions of Italy led by Antonio Conte deal with the leaders of the Blancos and they bring the Moroccan to Appiano Gentile: 43 million are certainly not a few, but the player born in Madrid demolishes any opponent for an entire season and therefore signs the 19th Nerazzurri scudetto, dominating far and wide. A tremendous impact, perhaps excessive given that Paris Saint-Germain is doing everything to snatch him from his new adoring fans. He doesn’t put his foot down and neither does Steven Zhang in front of the 68 million plus bonuses that are in black and white. Many greetings Achraf, it was a pleasure.

One shots

In the history of Inter there are other cases of excellent capital gains accrued after just one not so sensational season (Pele, Fabio Grosso, Luc Castaignos), but the other case that must certainly be mentioned among those who managed to shine in a single season is that of Roberto Carlos, who arrives in Milan in August 1995 at only 22 years of age but already with the trappings of the possible phenomenon: Palmeiras collects around 10 billion lire and Inter collects a future champion of the world. The season is turbulent, it begins with Ottavio Bianchi on the bench and ends with Roy Hodgson who considers him too tactically undisciplined despite the 7 goals of the season: better to sell him to Real Madrid, which will base its successes on Roberto Carlos for the following decade. Inter will eat their hands for keeping him for just one year.
