Inter, on Wednesday the overtaking “at the table”? Unlikely, but Bologna …

On Wednesday, the Coni Sports Guarantee Board will have to rule on the appeal for the 3-0 over Bologna, which in January did not file a complaint and provided ASL with an inaccurate list of close contacts. Otherwise it will recover on April 27th

The date for the recovery of Bologna-Inter, the famous asterisk that holds the championship fight hostage, was set last week: Wednesday 27 April, with a time to be defined, also because that day there is the first leg of one of the two. Champions League semifinals. But first there is a step that could change the history of the championship. The day after tomorrow, in fact, the Coni Sports Guarantee Board will rule on the Nerazzurri’s appeal against the first two decisions of the Sports Judge and the FIGC Sports Court of Appeal on the non-assignment of the 3-0 at the table of the 6 January match at which the Bologna did not show up due to the quarantine imposed by the ASL.
