Inter-Milan, Inzaghi after the Serie A derby: the words

The Inter coach after the 1-0 draw against Milan in the championship derby: “The only flaw today was not having finished the game. And let’s not forget that on Tuesday this team had the quarter-final of the Coppa Italia against Atalanta…”

Even the league taboo is broken: Simone Inzaghi’s Inter dominates and defeats Milan in the league after doing so not even a month ago in the Super Cup and last season in the Italian Cup, it had never happened in the previous three Serie A matches. there’s practically no game, the 1-0 is almost tight against the Nerazzurri: “We dominated – commented the coach at the end of the game -, I complimented the players on their concentration. We look forward with confidence and recover all those who we missed them, from Brozovic to Lukaku. Let’s not forget that this team had a very physically demanding quarter-final of the Coppa Italia against Atalanta on Tuesday.”

The comment

Inzaghi then goes on to talk about the opponents’ surprise 3-5-2 formation: “For a few days we didn’t know how Milan would play and so I concentrated on us. We were coming from an excellent match, winning a derby like this clearly makes nice to meet you”. Honey words, then, for Lautaro Martinez: “Since January 2022 he’s been playing at an amazing level even if I’ve never been able to give him the necessary rest due to the physical problems of the other forwards. The only flaw is that he kept the match in poised to the end”. Finally, the conclusion on the transformation from black September: “The difficulties at the beginning of the year? First of all due to the absences of Brozovic and Lukaku, but we still got through a difficult group in the Champions League. In the league, there could have been a few more points. But l ‘October 1st after the defeat against Roma we were ninth in the standings…”. Now, the scoreboard tells a whole other story. And Milan has an undisputed queen…
