Inter-Milan, another box office record for San Siro: 12 million euros

Nerazzurri club against the scalpers. The request for next Tuesday’s Champions League match was around 500,000 coupons. And to those who resell their tickets, stop subscription

The Devil’s record may be impressive, but it won’t even last a week. Short is the life of the historical primacy at the box office snatched by the Rossoneri in Wednesday’s first leg derby, given that already next Tuesday, when Inter play at home, they will climb even higher.

After breaking through the ceiling of 10 million, it will be possible to exceed that of 12: the figure was unthinkable just a few months ago and, instead, the fever of the Champions League, fueled by the return of this noble city battle, has reversed the perspective. Nobody seems to mind any more expenses in Milan.


The 75,532 who attended Milan-Inter brought to the Diavolo’s coffers, to be exact, 10,461,705 euros: at the moment this is the match with the highest grossing in the history of our football. The 9.1 of Milan-Tottenham, the first leg of the round of 16 won by the Rossoneri against Conte three months ago, have been surpassed. It is the sign that the increase in demand, and therefore in prices, has become galloping in this last stretch of the Champions League. The latest impressive figures, however, disappear in the face of the next full house, already reached for the return semi-final that the Nerazzurri will play as the host team. The assault on the online ticket office was massive, access to sales links went on unabated, to the point that the Nerazzurri calculated that the general request for tickets was around 500,000. It’s not science fiction, it’s just the Euroderby. In detail, seven San Siro stadiums would have been needed side by side to satisfy everyone; many Nerazzurri who dream of the Istanbul final will inevitably be left out on Tuesday. The higher prices compared to their cousins ​​did the rest and here are the precise calculations in viale della Liberazione: it is expected that the 12 million takings will be abundantly reached and the record will be updated. Just to understand, the last Liga Clasico at the Camp Nou brought in 8.2 million with 95,745 spectators: it was the top ever in Spain, but a trifle compared to Inter-Milan.


Faced with this so-called “epochal” request, Inter sought, on the one hand, to reward veteran supporters at the San Siro, but on the other wanted to hit certain fans – touts – decisively. Unfortunately there were so many, to the point of forcing the club to intervene with an official note: the club has in fact communicated that it will prevent the renewal of season tickets for members who, after having legitimately purchased tickets for relatives and friends in the pre-emption phase, have them then resold at a higher price on secondary ticketing channels. Precisely to avoid these nasty surprises, the change of name had been prohibited upstream, but the ease with which pdfs can be altered hasn’t stopped the crafty ones, enticed by easy (and illegal) earnings. Avoiding speculation and scams has therefore become the objective: “Tickets offered on advertising and private sale sites will be canceled and refunded. Furthermore, if the resale by a season ticket holder is confirmed, the possibility of renewing the place for 2023-24 or the membership of an Inter Club will be suspended. Yes, Tuesday will be a very rich stadium like no other but, as far as possible, it will be free of hateful speculation.
